3 Reasons For Why Team Values Matter

Below are the three reasons why team values matter. Just as waves destroy unanchored ships in the safest harbors, unexpressed values leave us disconnected.

  1. Act as a usefulness measure
  2. Serve as a north star
  3. Remind us to be our best

Onboard the USS ARCHERFISH (SSN 678) we had an emergency underway happen. The squadron and group commander tracked a hurricane heading toward Groton, Connecticut.

We were tied up to the pier. All the “boats” in port received orders to leave port quickly to avoid the storm.

I recall getting to the dive point and spending about 48 hours rolling beneath the Atlantic Ocean. At below 400 feet deep, we still felt the power of the hurricane churning above us.

Our commanders upheld U.S. Navy values. Those principles were “honor, courage, and commitment.”

They showed courage by sending us to the sea. We honored their courage toward us. We committed to keeping our ship safe during the storm.

For every team, values matter

I have been writing this year on values. Agile values. Scrum values.

This is a post on team values.

The team can get lost if they don’t define their standards. They may not get lost immediately but over time.

Actively writing out team principles helps to create a shared identity.

As well, axioms help to shape positive behaviors. Additionally, they help influence outcomes.

Anchoring, guiding, and reminding are actions a team can use to maintain objectivity.

Since none of these are individual or personal, they serve the team. Indeed, the team decides how it wants to define itself.

2022 is half-finished. I challenge you to look at your team’s values. If they don’t measure up to the team’s expectations, then change them.

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