Kent Beck posted on LinkedIn an interesting statement shown below. This is a topic I’ve been considering for a while as finding time to create and express ideas seems to be scarce.

My response to Kent was basic. It’s short and works for me. But, it may not work for everyone.

Kent may not have intended for me to respond this way. I don’t really care one way or the other. My point is, I’m not buying time to create and express.
I respect the work Kent has done in the product creation field. He is an author, speaker, and one of the original co-signers of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. He is an icon in the software development space and he is a creator.
Thanksgiving And Being Grateful
This post is being typed on Thanksgiving morning from my home office in the United States. I’m not “buying time” as Kent would suggest to create and express today. I am investing time into this blog specifically and the community generally.
I don’t know who will read this post today. If you are reading this and you create products and services to delight your customers or clients, I hope this inspires you. I want you to invest in yourself by setting aside time to create and express for you and people you care about.
I can’t tell you how much better I feel after I write an article or post. It gives me a sense that I accomplished something of substance, something that mattered, for the day.
I am grateful for the quiet hours I have to type this and many posts. I am grateful for the technology I have to express these views. It is amazing to living in today and I encourage you to make the most of today.