Gaining and maintaining personal momentum is really hard. I suppose it is harder today than say 10 years ago. Each day should be a personal challenge to get the most out of yourself.
This is not about “toxic positivity” or whatever popular phrase is trending on the internet.
This is about subtle shifts in doing and thinking that add up over time.
Many of the world’s most recognized and respected brands have humble beginnings. Apple and Toyota are two examples.
Apple started in a garage.
Toyota started with weaving looms and moved into automobile manufacturing after World War 2.

Each of us is responsible for improving daily. You’re either growing or dying, the choice is yours.
You might be thinking, “Where do you suggest I start?” My answer is, “What is causing you the most pain?”
Pain is relative. I deal with a whole military career of pain each day. The list of challenges I work through is long and not worth writing about.
Personal Challenge
You need to ask yourself a question. Am I coasting or conquering?
Is technology a hurdle for you? May I suggest you find someone you trust to help you learning about technology?
If you’re an introvert, like me, then public speaking could be a huge hurdle. Toastmasters can help overcome that fear.
Perhaps you struggle with learning in general. I wrote an article on “micro learning” that can help you get started.
Once you lock in on the one or two things you want to improve on, choose people to be accountable to for taking action. Accountability is a catalyst for personal growth (and a follow-on post).