LinkedIn Posts on Product Development

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I’ve been working on a product development quick reference carousel. I sense there is information missing or points that are unclear.

To help this be a useful guide, I need assistance and would like for you to add comments and feedback below.

I want to give Drawify credit for this deck as I used their platform and Maia, their AI, to bring the points together.

Persistence is an important quality in productdevelopment.

When it’s missing, teams struggle to deliver incremental and iterative value.

Being able to persist through distractions, competing priorities, and failed experiments helps to keep work moving. This quality supports learning, growth, and focused worked.

How does this quote connect with you?

“Persistence is what makes the impossible possible, the possible likely, and the likely definite.” – Robert Half

This week has been different.

After reflecting on the posting and resharing that I have been doing, I thought I should lead with a product development nugget today.

Here’s my suggestion.

Empathize with the pain both the economic buyer and the product user are experiencing. They might be similar or quite different.

Regarding the photos below.

No spoilers here, just a teaser.

Thank you, Jeff Crilley and Lauren Hannah, for your warm welcome yesterday morning!

It was wonderful spending time with you, Joshua Hart, as well.

Here’s to an exciting product experiment coming from Real News Public Relations‘ studios!

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