Getting into the flow is purposeful. My thoughts on the concept of flow are evolving. I’m glad that it is now discussed in the product and service development space.
The discussion has not achieved clarity. Much like Agile as a philosophy, it has become less clear and more polarized.
In 2023, I will write a post series covering “Flow”. The series will be like my series on Scrum values and Agile values.
Consider this as the cinema trailer. “Coming to social media near you and only on!”
Let me be clear, there is a difference between personal and business flow. Personal experience informs business result. Do you want to know why?
Because people are involved!
Without people, you can have motion. But then, flow has a different meaning. Recognizing the difference is part of how organizations and individuals can generate a sense of momentum.

Into the flow
Rather than weigh in on a side of the concept, I’m going to write about tools that enable the flow. For this reason, tools must be used based on context, not preference.
Context-specific tool use is important as a flow enabler.
Essentially, misusing tools can cause more harm than good. I present each tool for context-specific employment.
You might be thinking, “What is context-specific?”
Simply, you use a tool as designed, not the way you want to.
My goal is, as we dive into the series, it will cause several responses.
- First, personal reflection.
- Second, organizational questions.
- Third, insightful conversation.
If the series does not challenge you, then you know more than I do. Given my appetite for learning, I will gladly entertain conversations on this topic.
I know people who are smarter on this subject, so I expect this journey will be challenging.
To begin, keep your mind open. Next, come learn alongside me and reason together. Finally, enjoy the discussion we have during 2023.