Micro-learning: A Way To Grow and Upskill
There has never been a better time to prepare for change and micro-learning enables each person to meet change in their own way. prepare-for-change-by-micro-learning
What is micro-learning? prepare-for-change-by-micro-learning
A process for adding new abilities, knowledge, and skills to be competitive for future employment.
Why should you micro-learn?
The employment market is undergoing daily structural changes driven by advancements in artificial intelligence, automation, machine learning, robotics, and more. The position or role being filled today may not exist in 6 months or a year from now.
Who can micro-learn?
Anyone! No really, anyone can micro-learn. School children can be taught the process of micro-learning and develop habits around micro-learning. As well, adults of all ages can engage in micro-learning as a supplement to formal education or trade school training. There are no restrictions on people who want to micro-learn.
When can you micro-learn?
My standard answer is, “it depends.” Micro-learning is a personal preference. For example, I would prefer to begin my day micro-learning or end my day micro-learning. The amount of time is dependent on a person’s available or free time. It is also a matter of personal preference as to when a person wants to learn.
Where can you micro-learn?
See my response on “when can you micro-learn.” If a person prefers to use an online platform, learning can be done from anywhere. If in-person learning is preferred, then it becomes location and time dependent.
How can you micro-learn?
The most important question on this list. There are many online platforms that enable micro-learning. Also, it can happen in person or via a hybrid experience say on a video conference call. The how to micro-learn is only limit to the instructor’s creativeness!
Online Learning Focus prepare-for-change-by-micro-learning
In this article the focus will be online learning platforms. When searching for a platform, be cautious as a link that may not be noted as an advertisement is an advertisement disguised as a blog post. Most paid ads are labeled by the search engine, but crafty marketers have found ways around this by writing “liststicle”or articles writing in a list format that just happen to mention their platform on the list.
If this is the first time reading about learning platforms, great! If not, feel free to skip to the content that is relevant.

Generalist Platforms
The broad definition here is an online learning platform that provides content across several to many topic areas. This might include database development and public speaking. The only limit is on what the platform chooses to accept from its creators.
Generalist platforms include:
Skill Focused Platforms
Is the intent of learning a new skill the why behind considering an online platform? If that is the case, then these platforms are geared toward provided that experience. Content varies by web location and this is not an exhaustive list by any means.
Codecademy – Software development
CreativeLive – Art and Creative Work
Data Camp – Data science and machine learning
Pluralsight – Technology
Skillshare – Art & Creative work
Udacity – Technology
Vendor Platforms
In recent years, technology companies have begun offering online programs that prepare learners to use and leverage their technology stacks. Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, and more have developed their own content or partnered with a learning platform to deliver training content specific to their offerings.
Open Courses
Major universities have started projects that allow students to attend class they might otherwise be unable to access or afford. These embody the heart of micro-learning as they allow students to study without being in the classroom via online access.
Some of the universities include:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For additional details on Open Courses, a link is provided here: OpenCourseWare – Wikipedia
The Wrap-up prepare-for-change-by-micro-learning
In summary, micro-learning is a way to continually learn and train to help future-proof a career journey. It enables career pivots along a yet discovered path. Given that there are many ways of providing content, the concept around micro-learning will change over time depending on the needs of professionals as technology and the nature of work change. Even trades like carpentry, electrical, and plumbing have begun to put training concepts online for students to access.
Disrupt yourself by leveraging micro-learning or be disrupted!
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