With so much volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) it seems foolish to write, a tremendous year. 2022 was and still is for a few days longer, quite a year.
I choose to focus on micro, rather than macro, topics for this blog. For me, I could get overwhelmed with the amount of negative news. As a result, I want to inspire the best in you and me with each post.
For this year, there have been 50 posts made in the blog. Currently, 51 if you count this one as well. I kicked off a series of experimental posts on LinkedIn which help feed longer form content on the blog.
I have no shortage of natural beauty to take in around our home. We still have fields nearby, which remind me of steady progress in our exurban town.
My wife and I celebrated 20 years of marriage last month. Our daughters have almost finished high school (secondary school). These are just personal highlights.
Improving continues to grow with over 1500 Improvers in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. We are strategically adding new firms to the growing concern that align with our values.
Professionally, the year has been rewarding for me. I’ll spare the details in this post. I will share that after a very challenging 2018 and early 2019, I’ve found a place where I belong.
A Tremendous Year – Beyond personal
I set a goal for 2022, and I believe I crushed it. It wasn’t personal, it was altruistic. In a sense, I was climbing Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
If you’re not familiar with Maslow’s work, here’s a link – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – Simply Psychology
Simply put, I wanted to positively impact someone’s life each day throughout the year. A low bar, for some, for me, it was aspirational.
Measurements are an excellent way to assess impact. So, with that in mind, I capture my LinkedIn numbers and posted them below.